Centerville School Spring Break Events

Centerville Schools Spring Break begins Monday March 26 and ends Friday March 30.

We have some popular field trips planned for the Jackrabbits and Wildcats.

On 3/26 we visit Poelking Lanes for bowling.  Tuesday, 3/27 we travel to the Centerville Activity Center for out door play on the climbers and kickball.  On Wednesday, March 28 we plan for “Lunch and a Movie”.  The students will pick a local eatery for lunch and we will head to Danbarry for a movie afterwards.  Thursday, March 29 the Wildcats and Jackrabbits visit the Air Force Museum.  The AFM is a very popular field trip with the CCDC students.  Finally, on Friday 3/30 the schoolagers travel to Skateworld for lunch and an afternoon of skating.

Times and details will be posted in the Jackrabbit Classroom and on the Parent Permission Slips.

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